Bill Cotter Has Made The Ballot For the Republican Congressional Primary In NY3

Crazy that we have gotten so far, but hard work pays off. I would like to thank anyone who donated and signed a petition because we have executed a resourceful, competent campaign that has been able to organize a truly grassroots effort. Despite the haters and doubters, hitting the pavement and going door to door paid off. Truly would not have been able to do it without donations and my Jose Canseco prize fight money. I really hope I am the first campaign in history to use a prize fight purse to be the first funds for their campaign. 

I understand people were extremely skeptical if I was able to complete a huge undertaking that usually requires institutional backing. We got close to double the correct number of signatures and probably had the second most collected out of everyone. 

Martha MacCallum kindly had us on her show and tried to slit my throat on air but I was able to bob and weave. 

It's a serious campaign. I hope everyone understands that by now. 

I was also on Newsmax the same day. I will tell ya, back-to-back TV appearances and getting caked up with Makeup was a very interesting experience. I enjoyed my time on both shows but Newsmax was much more personable. Thanks again to Rob Schmidt. 

I brutalized my face with paper towels and water in order to get this stuff off. I now know there are much easier ways to do it. I have invested in makeup wipes. 

The support from my peers has been amazing. Shoutout, Big T, while a whole room was laughing at me, I could see he could actually appreciate what I was riding for. 

We are now gathering the resources for our second push into the primary. There are tons of merch, yard signs, bumper stickers, buttons, etc to come. Time to go win this thing. Click to Donate Below!

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